
About GenomicKB

Genomic Knowledgebase (GenomicKB) is a database for researchers to explore and investigate human genome, epigenome, transcriptome, and 4D nucleome with simple and efficient queries.

The backend of GenomicKB is a knowledge graph which consolidates genomic datasets and annotations from over 30 consortia and portals, and includes 347 million genomic entities, 1.36 billion relations, and 3.9 billion entity and relation properties.

The frontend of GenomicKB is a user-friendly interface which allows users to query the knowledge graph with customized graph patterns and specific constraints on entities and relations.

Compared with traditional tabular-structured data stored in separate data portals, GenomicKB emphasizes the relations among genomic entities, intuitively connects isolated data matrices, and supports efficient queries for scientific discoveries.

GenomicKB queries do not necessarily start with a genomic region or a specific genomic entity. Instead, it supports customized pattern queries such as “finding two genes which are both related to signal transduction, locate on the same chromosome, and form ligand-receptor pairs”.

As a result, GenomicKB transforms multi-modal data analysis into intuitive queries, and enables large-scale cross-modality pattern searching and learning in a highly-integrated knowledge graph.